roman's synopsis


This is a preview of some of the questions we will be wrestling with in our study of Romans in our adult bible class.

  • What is Supersessionism?
  • Did the Jewish people reject Jesus as the Messiah?
  • Does ethnic Israel, believing in Jesus as Messiah or not, remain in a Covenantal relationship with the God of Israel?
  • Is Jewish and Gentile identity in the body of the Messiah an important concern?
  • What is a Canonical Narrative for reading the Bible?
  • Is there a correct framework or lens for reading Romans?
  • Who are the weak and who are the strong in Romans?
  • What is Paul’s understanding of his identity and calling as a Jew?
  • Did his belief in Jesus and apostleship change Paul’s relationship to Israel as the elect nation?
  • What did Paul mean when he said Christ is the “end of the law?”
  • How are we to understand the relationship of chapters 9-11 to the overall purpose of Romans?

Join us for a lively discussion of these and other important topics Sundays at 9:30 am!
